Email Address
Customer Support
+233 244 333 051
Office Address
No. F5B Cocoa Street. Atomic Hills Estates. P. O. Box WY 2648 Kwabenya, Accra
Our Services
Target Group : Young Bank Executives, Sales and Marketing staff, Branch Managers,Personal Bankers
Empower Staff
In appreciating the banker-customer relationship
Build Staff knowledge
On matters directly related to their roles.
Various Cases of Frauds
Share various cases of frauds and their root causes, to enable staff exercise caution in their daily activities.
Exhibit professionalism banker-customer relations
Assist participants to exhibit professionalism in Teller-Customer Relations
Great Customer Service
Assist participants to know the techniques of Providing Great Customer Service and the difference it makes in retaining bank customers.
Assist participants to know the techniques of Providing Great Customer Service and the difference it makes in retaining bank customers.
The creation of their unique personal brands to enhance their corporate image and win smore business and customers for the company.